Hide admin notices – центр уведомлений администратора


Tired of having the top of your screen full of notifications coming from all the plugins you’ve installed?

Here is what you will be able to:
* Display or not the notifications depending on users roles.
* Group all your notifications in a notification center located at the right of your page.
* Use the bouton on the top bar to display / hide this notification center.
* Be informed when a new notification is present (thanks to a badge displayed on your admin bar)
* Select the notification types (information/warning/error) you want to be displayed in the notification center. And the ones you would like to be displayed at the top of your screen
* Don’t display notification containing spam words set by the user


  • Screenshots of the pages «plugins installed» without the plugin
  • Screenshots of the pages «plugins installed» with the plugin
  • Screenshots of the plugin settings


Вы можете скачать пакет на сайте wordpress.org и установить его на свой сайт или установить напрямую через установщик плагинов.


Simply a brilliant tool that will tame plugins like Elementor and similar notification freaks. Thanks a lot for a very good plugin.
This is an essential plugin in my opinion and should even be considered as part of the Wordpress core. Removing annoying notifications and placing these in a contained place makes a lot of sense. The plugin is well thought out in that the notifications are still easily accessible and the user can quickly see if there are new notifications that need to be reviewed.
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Журнал изменений


  • Fix spam word displaying notices


  • Fix notification number showing 0


  • Store notice displayed in the admin
  • Listing of all notices stored
  • Change admin menu icon