Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

WP Anti Copy — Protect your precious content from copying


This plugin will help you to prevent your content from being copied, you can also monitor who copied your content even exactly what was copied.

Demo and Tutorial

Here a few features listed:
* Can prevent any post or page from being copied.
* Can monitor what was copied and who copied.
* Can get exact count what content how much time copied.


We use our online service at http://customerapi.teknikforce.com/api/wppluginverifyordercode to maintain plugin activation licensing. The plugin is free to use, but you’ll need to activate it. The activation will be done automatically using this service.

Please review our privacy policy for information about how we handle your data.


In case you have any questions, you can reach out to support@teknikforce.com or create a support ticket at http://teknikforce.com/support

We do provide support to users of this free plugin.


  • WP Anti-Copy setup and Copied Contents view section.
  • WP Anti-Copy setup for content prevention.
  • WP Anti-Copy detailed status for a specific post.


  1. Upload the WP Anti-copy folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin using the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Get the Scarcity Jeet option inside Settings menu from your sidebar.
  4. For the first time, you need to provide your name and email to get an activation code.
  5. The process is Complete

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Can i prevent any content from being copied


Can I get detail who coied and what copied

Yes, we it will provide you the IP and exact content what was copied.


Посмотреть все 5 отзывов

Участники и разработчики

«WP Anti Copy — Protect your precious content from copying» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


Журнал изменений

*This is Initial Release