Этот плагин был закрыт с 06.09.2019, он более не доступен для загрузки. Причина: Нарушения лицензий/торговых марок.
1 ответ
no work this plugin in the last version.
2 ответа
* changed Rating to 4 stars, 5 upon completion *
This plugin requires you enter a Facebook User or App ID to generate Open Graph meta tags. However, the author is changing that functionality. Kudos!
1 ответ
I’ve used this a few times and it works for most sites.
I ended up needing to use home_url() instead of site_url() (as I’m using Bedrock and site_url() resolves to site.dev/wp/ instead of site.dev), and needed a few other custom tweaks, but this plugin got me 99% there. Thanks for putting it out there!
1 ответ
first and foremost thanks for this plugin! (it works for WP4.3.1)
it worked to fix an image problem i was having with your force image option.
on another note, was hoping to be able to customize my content description tag better than just an auto snippet of the page. perhaps in a future update! but ty again friend!
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