Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

WP Headmaster


WP Headmaster is a free plugin to help correctly include, organise and enqueue common items into your theme’s head tag. WP Headmaster has been designed to work perfectly alongside other popular plugins like Yoast’s WordPress SEO, without any cross-over. WP Headmaster will continue to develop, but at present comes with the following features:

  • Google Analytics — Simply add in your unique tracking ID and select from either Universal or Classic tracking. The GA tracking code will be added last within the head.
  • Page/Post specific CSS and JavaScript — Add inline scripts and styles from a handy Meta Box available on each post and page.
  • Icons — Upload your website’s Favicon and Apple Touch Icon.
  • jQuery — Choose to include jQuery either locally or from Google’s hosted API.
  • Script Library — Enable popular JavaScript files including Respond.js and Modernizr.
  • Inline JavaScript — If you wish to add any inline site-wide JavaScript to your simply include it in the field.
  • Web Fonts — Embed your chosen fonts from Google Web Fonts, Adobe Edge Web Fonts and Typekit.
  • Meta Author Tag — Is dynamically populated with the original author and last to modify the page.

You can learn more about WP Headmaster and our other free WordPress plugins on our website. You can also track progress and contribute to WP Headmaster on GitHub.


  • The first tab ‘Analytics’ where you can easily integrate either Classic or Universal Analytics.
  • The second ‘Icons’ tab where you can upload and specify your site’s Favicon and Apple Touch Icon.
  • The ‘Fonts’ tab allows you to import fonts from Google Fonts, Typekit and Adobe Edge Webfonts.
  • The ‘Scripts’ tab allows you to control jQuery, use responsive Polyfills, Modernizr and specify inline JavaScript.
  • The final tab ‘Meta Data’ allows you to specify either a dynamic Meta Author Tag and other useful Meta Tags.


Installing and using WP Headmaster could not be simpler:

  1. Upload /wp-headmaster/ to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Simply control all features from the Administrator Dashboard via ‘Settings > WP Headmaster’

Часто задаваемые вопросы

How to I restore WordPress’ default settings?

You can either disable the plugin, or empty all fields within the WP Headmaster settings.


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Журнал изменений


  • New Features

    • New page/post Meta Box for specifying both inline Scripts and Styles specifically for each page/post.
    • Modernizr is now available to enqueue.
    • Adobe Typekit & Edge Font Embedding.
    • iOS Format Detection Meta Tag.
  • Updates

    • Meta Author Tag now shows both the original page/post Author and the last to modify.
    • jQuery section now displays the version number of the built-in copy.
    • Respond.js Asset updated to the latest stable version (1.4.2).
    • Updated the Google hosted jQuery versions.
    • Quick-link to the settings page added from the ‘Installed Plugins’ overview.
    • css3-mediaqueries-js removed in favour of just using Respond.js.
    • Icon Uploader upgraded to 3.5 Media Library.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Admin inline jQuery streamlined for better performance switching between the settings tabs.
    • 3.8 admin design bugs fixed.


  • Option to select the new Universal (beta) Google Analytics tracking code.
  • Removed the Assets folder that shouldn’t be there.


  • Initial release.