An easy Twitter feeds widget that provides facility to display twitter tweets on your website using the latest Twitter 1.1 API. A simple widget which lets you add your latest tweets in widget areas. Get started in just a few clicks and use the provided Widget to easily display your Tweets on your website.
Now you don`t need to copy and paste the code from twitter with your settings anymore, just install the plugin and set the options.
By option page, you can define the duration of fade effect, the number of tweet to see and other things.
The «WP Twitter Feeds» Widget will never require your Twitter password, because it based on Open Authentication (OAuth) keys and secrets, that you will get by creating your application at Twitter. It gets all your required data from API. Incase you change your password, you don’t need to update your Widget in your Blog. This plugin is basically fork of: Planet Interactive.
- English(US) (en_Us)
- French (fr_FR)
Plugin Features
*Easy install
*Very easy to configure.
*Display Tweets with a Widget.
*Choose to show a profile image, Tweets border, Tweets theme and much more.
*Multiple instance so you can use Twitter widget at multiple places.
*Different color Options.
*Lightweight and loading fast
*Set maximum number of tweets to display
*Turn on/off displaying avatar
*Supports v1.1 of the Twitter API
*Slider for Tweets
Rate Us / Feedback
Please take the time to let us and others know about your experiences by leaving a review, so that we can improve the plugin for you and other users.
Want More?
If You Want more functionality or some modifications, just drop us a line what you want and we will try to add or modify the plugin functions.
- Thanks to [Rhodri George](News Ticker) for great help with the js file.
- Thanks to the [Twitter.com] for the great API.
WP Twitter Feeds plugin installed and appears in the plugins menu. WP Twitter Feeds widget under Appearance->Widgets. WP Twitter Feeds widget under Appearance->Widgets. WP Twitter Feeds widget under Appearance->Widgets. WP Twitter Feeds widget under Appearance->Widgets. WP Twitter Feeds widget on front End (Light Theme). WP Twitter Feeds widget on front End (Dark Theme).
Installation consists of following steps:
- Upload «WP Twitter Tweets» to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Активируйте плагин используя меню ‘Плагины’ в WordPress
- Place the «WP Twitter Tweets» Widget on your sidebar and add twitter username with API details of Twitter.
Часто задаваемые вопросы
- How to create a Twitter Application
Visit the Twitter Developers Site: The first thing you need to do is head on down to dev.twitter.com. In order to create an account, all you need to do is click on Sign In link at the top right.
Sign in with your Twitter Account: Next, sign in with the Twitter account you want to associate with your app. You do have a Twitter account don’t you?!
Go to My Applications: Once you’re logged in, click on the downward arrow to the right of your Twitter image and select «My Applications». This is where all your registered Twitter apps will appear.
Create a New Application: If you are new to the Developers site you won’t see any applications registered. Either way, it’s time to create our first application. To do this, click on the big «Create a new application» button.
Fill in your Application Details: It’s been easy so far, but this screen often makes people confused. Don’t worry, it’s a lot easier than you think. First of all you need to give your app a unique name (one that no one else has used for their Twitter app). Since we’re going to create an app for personal use and not for other people who can register and use, so just put your domain name in or perhaps even your name. You don’t have to worry much about the descriptions you can change this later. I have put «a set of Twitter tools for personal use». Put your website in the website field– don’t worry that it isn’t (as Twitter ask) your application’s publicly accessible home page. However, this website will be where your app is hosted.For now ignore the Callback URL field. If you are allowing users to log into your app to authenticate themselves, you’d enter the URL where they would be returned after they’ve given permission to Twitter to use your app. Once you’ve done this, make sure you’ve read the «Developer Rules Of The Road» blurb, check the «Yes, I agree» box, fill in the CAPTCHA (don’t you just love them) and click the «create your Twitter Application» button. Hurrah!
Create Your Access Token.
Make a note of your OAuth Settings.
Участники и разработчики
«WP Twitter Feeds» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
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Журнал изменений
- Tested with the latest version for WordPress.
- Added language support.
- Tested with the latest version for WordPress.
- Added support for displaying images in feeds in both list and slider view.
- Updated labels.
- Added jQuery Slider file.
- Fix bug and improve the code.
- Improvement the coding standard.
- Added the option to List/Slider for the tweets. Now from the Slider option tweets can be show as a slider. A single tweet shows at a time after few second it will fade up by the next tweet.
- Squashed some css style conflicts with wordpress theme.
- Added the feature to change tweets theme.
- Added the option to show/hide border around the tweets.
- Improved Fornt-End UI design.
- Boxed layout for tweets.
- Improved Twitter UserName validation in the widget.
- Первый релиз