Adds a company profile page to WP Job Manager. In this page you’ll be able to see listed all the jobs by the same company, as well as other data like the company description.
Installation and Setup
An active install of WP Job Manager in your site is required for this plugin to work.
For setting up the company pages, you can find a step by step guide here: https://tilcode.blog/wpjm-company-profile-page-add-a-company-profile-page/
- GitHub Repository: https://github.com/iamgabrielma/WPJM-Company-Profile-Page/
- Documentation: https://tilcode.blog/wpjm-company-profile-page-add-a-company-profile-page/
- Hello World
- Tested up to WordPress 5.0
- Tested up to WordPress 5.2.4
- Enabled metabox for the new Editor since WP5.0+
- Tested up to WordPress 5.3.2
- Tested up to WP Job Manager 1.34.1
- Fixed: i18n by removing /lang path
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