XO Featured Image Tools


Автоматически создает изображение записи из изображения записи.


  • Пакетная генерация миниатюр.
  • Автоматически создавать миниатюру при сохранении публикации.
  • Bulk delete the featured image of the posts.
  • Отображение миниатюр в списке записей.


  • Featured Image Tool.
  • Экран выполнения Featured Image Tool.
  • Список записей.


  1. Загрузите папку xo-featured-image-tools в каталог /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Активируйте плагин на странице «Плагины» в панели управления WordPress.


It’s the best WordPress plugin for automatically generating images in posts from an image URL that I’ve ever tried, it’s very light and works great even with the latest version. The URL must be present in the post and the image can also be hosted on an external server: the plugin will take the first image in the post, make it the featured image of the post and also insert it in the media list. Excellent.
All it does is a process bar that slowly goes to 100%, but in the end 0 featured images were created from uploaded image in the post. I still have to set them manually.
XO Featured Image is the ONLY plugin that works reliably to automatically set a featured image. I do many transfers from Blogger and TypePad to Wordpress, and this is the only plugin that consistently works for setting the featured images for these posts. It’s simplicity itself, without a ton of settings. Thanks for providing such a stable plugin!
16.11.2022 5 ответов
Thank you for the great plugin. Is exactly what I was looking for and the best plugin you can find for this purpose… But: The following image URLs often appear in my posts: image.jpg?uid=Yi3w9CE. These image files are not captured by your plugin. So far I only knew this from form data transmissions like: index.html?var=123. But I have such pictures in my posts. Can you fix this in the next update please? My suggested solution would be: $path= substr( $url, strrpos( $url, ‘.’ )+4); $url = str_ireplace($path, », $url);
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Журнал изменений


  • Fixed a bug that an incorrect featured image may be selected in a site migration environment with a URL change.


  • Fixed a bug where an error message might be displayed.


  • Accelerated batch processes.


  • Added the ability to exclude specific file names.


  • Adhered WordPress coding standards 3.0.1.


  • Added a setting to whether to target shortcode content and synced pattern content.

See the previous changelogs here