Этот плагин был закрыт с 14.09.2021, он более не доступен для загрузки. Плагин был закрыт навсегда. Причина: Запрос автора.
2 ответа
Not useable for us because our invoice number is the WooCommerce order number. Why isn’t this an option in the plugin?
Needs more customisation because everything is too big and the PDF rolls onto multiple pages.
1 ответ
it works flawlessly, super suitable for beginners because it contains all important information for German-speaking countries
Pues así de fácil, es un plugin gratuito pero para tener el DNI O NIF del cliente en tu factura, tienes que tener el PRO.
Moraleja: el plugin no vale nada más que como nota de envío.
— Shipping List is empty on the free version, there is no use for it.
— Templates can only be changed in the css templates, so you have to know what you are doing.
1 ответ
Header already sent error in log when click download invoce.
See line 416 in class.yith-woocommerce-pdf-invoice.php missing exit().
Notes and footer extra data not showing in pdf download.
WooC. 3.2.1
WordPress 4.8.3
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