Настройка плагина бэкапов BackWpup
при запуске задания на бэкап выдает такие логи с ошибками:
2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Client command: SYST 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Server reply: UNIX 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Client command: PASV 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Server reply: Entering Passive Mode 2012/08/08 02:35.28: Upload to FTP now started ... 2012/08/08 02:35.29: Backup transferred to FTP server: /backup/backwpup_1_2012-08-08_02-03-59.zip 2012/08/08 02:35.29: One file deleted on FTP Server 2012/08/08 02:35.29: Job done in 1890 sec. 2012/08/08 03:49.30: [ERROR]Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 14254527 bytes) 2012/08/08 04:09.43: [ERROR]Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 14673331 bytes) 2012/08/08 04:14.05: [ERROR]Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 14673331 bytes) 2012/08/08 02:35.19: [ERROR] Job restarted, bcause inactivity! 2012/08/08 02:35.20: [ERROR] Step arborted has too many trys! 2012/08/08 02:35.20: 1. try to create backup zip (PclZip) archive... 2012/08/08 02:35.28: Backup zip archive create done 2012/08/08 02:35.28: Archive size is 2.3 MB 2012/08/08 02:35.28: 1. try to sending backup file to a FTP Server... 2012/08/08 02:35.28: Connected to FTP server: 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Client command: USER emets 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Server reply: User emets logged in. 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Client command: SYST 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Server reply: UNIX 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Client command: PASV 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Server reply: Entering Passive Mode 2012/08/08 02:35.28: Upload to FTP now started ... 2012/08/08 02:35.29: Backup transferred to FTP server: /backup/backwpup_1_2012-08-08_02-03-59.zip 2012/08/08 02:35.29: One file deleted on FTP Server 2012/08/08 02:35.29: Job done in 1890 sec. 2012/08/08 03:49.30: [ERROR]Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 14254527 bytes) 2012/08/08 04:09.43: [ERROR]Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 14673331 bytes) 2012/08/08 04:14.05: [ERROR]Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 14673331 bytes) 2012/08/08 02:35.19: [ERROR] Job restarted, bcause inactivity! 2012/08/08 02:35.20: [ERROR] Step arborted has too many trys! 2012/08/08 02:35.20: 1. try to create backup zip (PclZip) archive... 2012/08/08 02:35.28: Backup zip archive create done 2012/08/08 02:35.28: Archive size is 2.3 MB 2012/08/08 02:35.28: 1. try to sending backup file to a FTP Server... 2012/08/08 02:35.28: Connected to FTP server: 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Client command: USER emets 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Server reply: User emets logged in. 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Client command: SYST 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Server reply: UNIX 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Client command: PASV 2012/08/08 02:35.28: FTP Server reply: Entering Passive Mode 2012/08/08 02:35.28: Upload to FTP now started ... 2012/08/08 02:35.29: Backup transferred to FTP server: /backup/backwpup_1_2012-08-08_02-03-59.zip 2012/08/08 02:35.29: One file deleted on FTP Server 2012/08/08 02:35.29: Job done in 1890 sec. <strong>2012/08/08 03:49.30: [ERROR]Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 14254527 bytes) 2012/08/08 04:09.43: [ERROR]Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 14673331 bytes) 2012/08/08 04:14.05: [ERROR]Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 14673331 bytes)</strong>
хотя бэкап делает, не подскажите что за ошибки и как можно устранить?
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