• Создала свой первый тест в Watu. Все как надо. Но при ответе показывает что максимальное кол-во ответов 1
    Что может быть не так?
    И еще почему quiz не загружается на wppage?

Просмотр 11 ответов — с 1 по 11 (всего 11)
  • Bob


    Надо исползоват шорткод.
    Первы вопрос не разбрал, нигде не вижу максимальное кол-во ответов 1

    Автор ketiru


    I use short code. After passing test I see http://joxi.ru/v294YwQfQexqmG
    What’s wrong with my test?
    I could use with code only for notes and it doesn’t work with wppage.



    Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean. From the screenshot it seems to be working perfectly.

    Автор ketiru


    I uploaded 10 questions and answered all of them. In screenshop you can see that it’s said i passed 1 from 2 and I see answers only on 2 questions. Others are blank without y answers



    I need to see the live URL

    Автор ketiru




    Could you deactivate the other plugins and try then? Must be a conflict with some other plugin’s javascripts.

    Автор ketiru


    How I could find out which plugin I must deactivate? I installed only extremely necessary plugins.



    You don’t have to deactivate them forever. Just deactivate all for a minute and see if this will solve the problem. If yes, you can start reactivating one by one to see which one is it.

    I think it must be a conflict, otherwise just have no idea why it would work like that.

    Автор ketiru


    Thanks I will try!

    Автор ketiru


    Is there any way to copy questions in free version?

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