• Сергей


    Здравствуйте. Хотел по интересоваться, как можно заказать сувениры от WordPress? В Россию могут отправить, может кто-нибудь занимается в России отправкой разных сувениров? На сайте написано, а с Россией они работают? Swage Store
    Хотелось бы футболку и кепку

    Страница, с которой нужна помощь: [войдите, чтобы увидеть ссылку]

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  • Модератор Yui



    Продажа идет через HelloMerch

    International Orders

    We ship just about everywhere. International orders take 1-2 days to process, plus transit time. Please note international shipments can often be unreliable and most delays happen at customs offices. ALL international customers are subject to the laws, duties and taxes of their destination country. Hello Merch is not responsible for any items lost, stolen or damaged during domestic transit.

    We ship almost everywhere. International customers, please allow 1-2 business days to process, plus transit time.

    We strongly recommend using DHL Express as your international service. It is more expensive, but averages 1-7 days for delivery and includes worldwide door-to-door tracking. Shorter transit times = less risk for damage.

    Additionally, we offer an economy international service with UPS Mail Innovations, which averages 1 to 8 weeks for delivery. UPS will deliver the package to your country and hand-off to your local postal service to initiate the import process. Shipments to most countries will continue to track with the UPS number provided, but details may be limited during transit.

    в принципе можете вопросы задать им напрямую
    Hello Merch
    850 W. Lincoln St.
    Phoenix, AZ 85007

    Customer Service (Mon-Fri, 8-5pm MST)
    Call or Text: 602-432-2903
    Email: contact@hellomerch.com

    Автор Сергей


    Спасибо. Будет интересно

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