Эта тема не обновлялась больше двух лет. Скорее всего, она уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместима с текущими версиями WordPress.

Это дочерняя тема для Short.
Bagility WordPress theme ideal for a blog, personal portfolio, business website, WooCommerce storefront, shop, business agencies, finance, corporate, travel, law firms, agency, photography, recipes, design, portfolio, arts, blogs, education, university portal, consulting, church, restaurant, medical and so on, it has a multipurpose design, widgetized footer, blog/news page and a clean look. Bagility is responsive, SEO friendly, WPML, Polylang Translation WordPress Plugin, Woocommerce, Contact Form 7, translation and RTL ready, Bagility is the perfect theme for you! check live preview:
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