Метка плагина: ips
Server IP & Memory Usage Display
(40 общий рейтинг)Показывает лимит памяти, текущее использование памяти и IP-адрес в подвале администратора.
Limit Max IPs Per User
(1 общий рейтинг)Limit the maximum number of IPs a user can log in. Also includes a user login log on the plugin settings page.
Blacklisted IP Adresses
(0 общий рейтинг)This plugin allows you to block specific IP addresses from accessing your WordPress site.
(5 общий рейтинг)A wordpress security system plugin which will check every HTTP request against a given set of rules to filter out malicious requests.
Electroneum Instant Payments for WooCommerce
(0 общий рейтинг)Accept Electroneum Instant Payments on your WooCommerce store.
IP Blocker
(0 общий рейтинг)With this plugin you will have the opportunity to visitors to spamming or inflict damage on your side ruled out.
IPS Authentication Bridge
(1 общий рейтинг)The following software bridges Wordpress to your IPS installation. It's designed to offer your wordpress users and your IPS users a seamless log …