Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

ACF SoundCloud Playlists


This field will bring your very own SoundCloud playlists to your WordPress site.

Compatible with Advanced Custom Fields:

  • 4 (tested up to 4.4.2)
  • 5 (PRO, tested up to 5.2.6)

PS: You need Advanced Custom Fields installed to use this. You can grab the free version here.


  • Configuring SoundCloud with your API keys.

  • Adding SoundCloud field type in your field group.

  • Authenticate SoundCloud.

  • Browse your playlists.

  • Selected playlists in the page WP admin.

  • List of tracks in the page.


  1. Check and make sure you have Advanced Custom Fields installed.
  2. Upload ‘acf-scp’ to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ folder.
  3. Go ahead and activate the plugin in the ‘Plugins’ admin page in WordPress.
  4. Configure your SoundCloud keys in the ‘SoundCloud’ under WP admin ‘Settings’.
  5. Create a field group in Custom Fields and you should see ‘Playlists (SoundCloud)’ under Content available by now.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

You: Do I need a SoundCloud account?

Me: You certainly need a SoundCloud account to make use of this. Apart from that, you need to register an app in SoundCloud that gives this plugin access to your playlists.

You: When we register an app in SoundCloud, what would be the Redirect URI?

Me: Navigate to ‘SoundCloud’ under WP admin ‘Settings’ and check out the Redirect URI that is in there for you copy and paste in the SoundCloud Redirect URI field.

You: I have more questions or problems with your plugin.

Me: Feel free to create a support thread and i’ll try my best to get on with it.


Нет отзывов об этом плагине.

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