Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Beamer — newsfeed and push notifications


Beamer is a smart and easy-to-use notification center and changelog that will help you announce important news, latest products, special offers and more. Beamer now offers NPS surveys, notifications, and user segmentation.

Get up to 10x more user engagement and convert more users into paying customers.


  1. Share posts with text, images and videos — Share your latest updates with your users using text, images, videos and gifs. Make your posts visual and get more engagement.
  2. Post scheduling — Create posts and schedule to be published at a specific day and time. Send announcements at the perfect time to increase reach.
  3. Push notifications — Bring users back to your site with push notifications. Notifications are created automatically from new posts. Reducing churn has never been this easy.
  4. User feedback and reactions — Collect user feedback on your announcements so you can make better decisions.
  5. User segmentation — Target specific groups of users based on behavior, location and demographics. Stop sending all your customers the exact same announcements.
  6. Customize your design — Change the the design of your Beamer newsfeed to fit perfectly with your site or app. Change color, location, notification type and more.
  7. NPS — Use customized NPS surveys to measure user loyalty and engagement.
  8. WordPress plugin — can be installed in less than 5 mins, no code required.

Try Beamer for free today! No fees or card required.


  • Here’s Beamer working in our own website.
  • This is the Beamer plugin settings page.
  • This is how Beamer will look on your website. Make the widget your own with lots of customization options.
  • This is a standalone page. A special feature that gives you a free hub for your updates.


  1. Go to your Beamer dashboard and copy the product ID from the top bar. If you don’t have a Beamer account create one for free here.
  2. Go to your WordPress admin panel and install the Beamer plugin.
  3. Go to Settings > Beamer Settings and paste your product ID in the proper field. Save your changes.
  4. Enjoy

Beamer offers many customization options. For more information on how to install and customize your Beamer feed for WordPress go to this tutorial. Learn more about beamer in our Developer Documentation Page.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

If you have any question on how to install or implement Beamer in your site, please go to our Help Center or contact our live support chat in our official website.


The Beamer plugin shows the current posts on my site and makes the site more lively and engaging. I really like Beamer.
I don’t think vendors should try to force people to leave reviews and I also think they should not spam the admin area with constant nag screens that even return when you use a nag blocker. I wasn’t planning to leave a review, but if I have to to get rid of the nag: Overall I like this tool. I don’t like — the branding (unless you pay a ridiculous price) — that the branding forces a backlink — that «share to social media» doesn’t help me but only beamer because it uses their handle — that the zapier integration is buggy at the most. Posts on LinkedIn are faulty and embarassing I feel the spam thing is a common theme. From admin nag to «can we send you notifications» on their website and from social media posts that use their handle to forced backlinks.
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«Beamer — newsfeed and push notifications» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


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Журнал изменений


  • API delete request revised


  • Beamer has expanded to include NPS surveys, segmentation, dynamic content, multiple third-party integrations and in-app notifications.


  • Improved API requests and security


  • Fixed issues with the «Disable default autopost» and «Disable default autopost for published posts» options.


  • Fetch thumbnail option added to the API settings


  • Fixed timezone issue


  • Menu icon mode


  • Fixed a bug with the API call for pages
  • Restricted the scope of the custom CSS


  • Plugin can check if the user is logged in and send that information as a filter (including user roles)


  • Filters allow to select ‘only’ or ‘not’ as condition to show the Beamer widget.


  • API posts preserve text stylings like paragraphs and bold (unless you write a manual excerpt)


  • API compatibility for Custom Post Types


  • Fixed the way the API handles post publication and the different post status and options


  • Fixed timezone issue
  • Fixed featured image issue


  • New popup option added to display
  • Delay parameter added
  • New custom post type filter
  • Moved the API integration (to post simultaneously in WordPress and Beamer) up the Settings page


  • Custom icons for the Default Button


  • Fixed issue with filter option
  • Fixed issue with featured images compatibility
  • Added support for Excerpts and Read More tags


  • API: Added the feature to auto-publish WordPress posts directly into Beamer
  • Some content changes to the Beamer Settings page to avoid confusions
  • Fix for older versions of PHP


  • Fixed mobile detection bug
  • Fixed array_filter() and array_key_exists() error


  • Added advanced filter by ID
  • Added new customisation options


  • Added basic filter features
  • Added easy to use menu item generator


  • Added customization options
  • Added user parameters
  • Fixed bugs inherited from the 1.0 version


  • First release