After installing the plugin.
You’ll have a new menu in your admin page «GAPlugin».
It will have a «darkmode» menu.
Here you’ll be able to activate a test affecting the body of your website.
You’ll be able to modify your CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) to manage your darktheme:
— for the light theme :root
— for the dark theme [data-theme=»dark»]
You can take a look in the test mode to see how to use it.
You just have to use the shortcode in your theme to display the checkbox for the darkmode.
Here is the shortcode to use: [GAP-darkmode]
Enjoy !
Take a look at my website GautierAntoine.com
- Install the plugin.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- In the «GAPlugin» Menu in your admin panel, you can activate the test mode.
- You’ll need to add the shortcode [darkmode-nav] in your code to show the button.
Нет отзывов об этом плагине.
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