Этот плагин был закрыт с 11.04.2022, он более не доступен для загрузки. Плагин был закрыт навсегда. Причина: Запрос автора.
plugin gives 500 error on activation
1 ответ
Very detailed information. Great plugin
If you want to know what goes on in your website’s background then this is the plugin you need. It does exactly what it says it will do.
There was an issue but the developer was quick at fixing the issue.
Well done, keep up the great work.
Kind regards
Saved my a** a couple of times. Very helpful, thank you!
1 ответ
Debug Objects provides a great abundance of debug info. It’s my standard debug tool I rely on for every customer site or product install that I have to debug in customer support. Thanks! 💐✨🍫
1 ответ
after ~2 years i check again this plugin and see — it is good!
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