Image Compressor & Optimizer — iLoveIMG


Get your images delivered quickly. Now you can get a powerful, easy to use, and reliable image compression plugin for your image optimization needs. With full automation and powerful features, iLoveIMG makes it easy to speed up your website by lightening past and new images with just a click. Compress JPG, PNG and GIF images in your WordPress to improve the positioning of your site, boost visitor’s engagement and ultimately increase sales.

Trust reliable developers. iLoveIMG Image Compressor is brought to you by the same developers of, popular image editor trusted by millions.

If you are looking for the best image compression tool, iLoveIMG is your choice

  • Lossy compression — Gain maximum compression while keeping sharp images.
  • Auto-compression option — Every uploaded image to your media folder will be directly compressed.
  • Extensive coverage — Compress beyond the libraries. Optimize all the images on your site.
  • Bulk optimization — Batch compress all your images in a few seconds and get back to doing what you love.
  • Popular image formats supported — Compress JPG, PNG and GIF to ensure fast site navigation.
  • Resize Image feature — Set maximum width and height to scale down bigger images while being compressed.

Помимо основ iLoveIMG — это полностью совместимый и расширяемый плагин сжатия изображений.

  • Улучшение SEO страницы . Скорость загрузки изображений является важным фактором в SEO. Оптимизируйте свои изображения, чтобы повысить рейтинг вашего сайта в поисковых системах.
  • Доступен параметр водяного знака — полностью совместим с нашим следующим плагином — водяных знаков. Защитите изображения от кражи с помощью специального водяного знака.
  • Хорошо для eCommerce. Отлично работает на сайтах eCommerce, использующих WooCommerce, NextGen Gallery и другие плагины для электронной коммерции.
  • Безопасность прежде всего . Ваши данные не хранятся и не собираются нашими службами. Мы совместимы с GDPR.
  • Надежный и часто обновляемый
  • Freemium service — Freely up to 2500 credits per month. Need more? Subscribe our Premium plan or buy a prepaid package to use at your convenience.

iLoveIMG optimizes your visual assets to improve your page load speed, delivering high-quality images rescaled for every device. With a quick and easy installation, you can start enhancing the user experience of your site.


  • Account settings and tool configuration.
  • Configure Compress IMG.
  • Media Page.
  • Compression details.


From your Admin panel:
1. Visit Plugins > Add New.
2. Search for iloveIMG and press the Install Now button.
3. Activate the plugin from your Plugins page.

1. Upload iloveimg to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Create a free account in the plugin settings page, or use your existing one
4. Configure the plugin as you like

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Can I use the plugin for free?

Absolutely. As a free user, we let you process your first 2500 monthly credits. Once this limit is reached, you cannot compress new images until next month unless you purchase credits.

Can I make a one-time payment?

Yes, you can. You can buy a pre-paid package, which will never expire.

What happens with my original images?

iLoveIMG automatically replaces your uploaded images with an optimized version.

Do I need to have coding skills to use iLoveIMG Plugin?

Сто пудов нет:) Вы можете оптимизировать галереи изображений без какого-либо кодирования или технических знаний. Нам нравится делать вещи проще.

Which formats can be optimized?

Плагин iLoveIMG Compression позволяет оптимизировать изображения в форматах JPG, PNG и GIF.

Do you have an API REST?

Yes, in fact this plugin is powered by our API. And you can integrate our image optimization tools into your software apps too! Learn more about iLoveIMG API for developers.

Вы заботитесь о конфиденциальности моих изображений?

Все наши серверы строго контролируются, так как мы соблюдаем европейские правила конфиденциальности данных, один из самых высоких стандартов в ЕС. Все загруженные файлы используют https / SSL и включают наше сквозное шифрование для дальнейшей конфиденциальности ваших данных.

Более того, все обработанные файлы автоматически удаляются с наших серверов после обработки в течение одного, двух и двадцати четырех часов (в зависимости от вашего пользовательского статуса). Вы можете проверить подробную информацию в нашей Политике конфиденциальности и в нашем Условия использования


I’m a fan of the service , but unfortunately the plugin breaks the website on wordpress + elementor, I tried to install the plugin 2 times and both times I had to restore my website from backup. Be careful and don’t forget about backup
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Журнал изменений


* Update Libraries.
* Improved multisite support.
* If a file is deleted from wordpress, it will also be deleted from the iloveimg-backup folder.

* Thumbnails and other intermediate sizes coming from a PDF file were compressed.


* Update Libraries.
* Compatibility with WordPress 6.7
* Sweetalert library removed.
* Improved multisite support.

* The ‘Restore All’ and ‘Clear Backup’ buttons were not disabled when there no files to restore.


* Fixed an issue with vendor dependencies.


* Fixed an issue with vendor dependencies.


* Update Libraries.
* Improved texts.
* Compatibility with WordPress 6.6.2


* Update Libraries.
* Improved error handling when a credential issue occurs.
* Improved readme texts.


* Update Libraries.
* Now IloveIMG will use credits to process the files.
* Now iloveimg accounts have been migrated to ilovepdf.
* Improved the function to restore all files.

* When autocompress is activated and you wanted to restore a specific file, it was compressed again.


* New Backup option added in General Settings.
* Now you can restore all the files or just the ones you need.

* Update Libraries.
* Time limit is set for PHP when it is less than 300.
* On the individual page of a file, iloveimg compress buttons are now displayed whenever the file is a IMAGE.


* Update libraries.
* Assets files were optimized.


* Update iloveimg-php library


* Improved class loading.


* Minimum Support WP Version to 5.3
* Minimum Support PHP to 7.4
* Support WP Version 6.4.1

* Check if key ‘iloveimg_field_resize_full’ exist.
* catch processing error for php 8.


* Formatting and comment files according to php/wordpress standards.
* constant names in uppercase
* function names is not snake case format.
* variables name is not snake case format and include prefix.
* classes name with prefix and capital letter.
* classes files rename.
* remove comments.
* Use Yoda Conditions to check.
* change from json_encode() to wp_json_encode().
* Increment operators.
* gmdate() instead date().
* Update DB Version to 1.1.
* variable $_COOKIE no need to check.
* Unreachable statement, return false delete.
* Update iloveimg-php library to V1.1.16

* missing documentation.
* Escape/sanitize data.
* using strict comparison for in_array

* Visibility must be declared on method
* Logical operator «and» changed to «&&»
* Logical operator «or» changed to «||»
* Missing $domain parameter in function call to __().
* Loose comparisons are not allowed.
* Assignments must be the first block of code on a line.
* Noce verification
* Error checking.
* Fix conversion from number to float.
* Serialized data has known vulnerability problems with Object Injection. Changed to JSON Encode.
* Variables $height, $width, $ilove_img_account not be defined.
* Division by zero.
* An infinite loop was generated. The method itself called itself every time the process failed.
* on some servers, the $path_file variable did not contain the correct url.


  • match version and tag


  • Fix: Fixed Bulk action loops.


  • Fix: Fixed an error causing too many database connections


  • Fix: Now Bulk Optimize shows all images


  • Fix: Avoid other plugins CSS override
  • Fix: Misinformation in some compression percentages