

Merpress lets you create diagrams and visualizations using MermaidJS.


  • Open the block by typing «/MermaidJS» (or use the sidebar and search)
  • Until there is a valid Mermaid diagram, there will be a syntax error in the graph.
  • When editing the block, there are 2 views. Use the upper area for writing, and the lower for displaying the diagram.
  • When the block is not selected, it will be displayed as it should be seen on the site.
  • As seen on my test site.


Этот плагин предоставляет 1 блок.

  • MerPress Create diagrams and flow charts using text via Mermaid

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Can you make diagrams with this?

Yes. Checkout MermaidJS for syntax reference and example diagrams.


16.10.2024 3 ответа
Spent a day trying to get mermaid to render. For some reason, it did not create a merpress block when I first created it. However, I retried a few hours letter and it worked and worked like magic. Thank you for working on this.
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Журнал изменений


  • Update mermaid to 11.4.1.