Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Native RSS


The RSS-language will change the tag of your feeds from the default (‘en’) to the language of your WP installation by default. In case you are e.g. using French as the WP language, but want to publish in Dutch, you can change the language in the settings section. Nothing specific will change in the feed but your blog will be found easier by people using the language, you are actually writing in. Also it helps search engines to list your site correcly, if you provide the feed as a sitemap.

The plugin was tested up to WP 3.4 and should work with versions down to 2.7 but was never tested with those.


  • Feed sourcecode
  • Функции


  1. Upload the rss-language folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Активируйте плагин используя меню ‘Плагины’ в WordPress
  3. Customize if nessecary

Часто задаваемые вопросы

I want to change the language to Brazilian Portuguese, but the plugin doesn’t let me do this

The setting for the ‘rss_language’ in the options table has to be ISO two-letter language code. So Portuguese is allowed, but not the Brazilian.

I activated the plugin and still in the feed the language is displayed as ‘en’

Empty the cache of your browser in that case. And reload the feed. The language should have changed now.


Нет отзывов об этом плагине.

Участники и разработчики

«Native RSS» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


«Native RSS» переведён на 33 языка. Благодарим переводчиков за их работу.

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Журнал изменений



  • WP 4.1 ready


  • Small bugfix


  • Added some functionality to admin bar in WP 3.3beta (obsolete)


  • Первый релиз