Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.



Most ratings plugins contain too much code: inline JavaScript, messy markup, weird CSS. Rate is simple, hardly intrusive, and completely overridable.

A Post/Page/Custom Post Type’s rating is the average of all comment ratings. A user can leave a rating when commenting, and change that rating inline after leaving a comment (if logged-in or Cookie’d).

Don’t be afraid to play around and extend the code: drop a rate.css file in your theme directory and mine won’t even load (by default, Rate stars are transparent with a white border, so you can use background-color to set your stars’ colors)!

// in this version, you need to insert these functions into your theme for ratings to appear
// you don't have to use the_rating(), the comment_rating() will work by itself, but the_rating() will not

// for a Post, Page, or Custom Post Type (average of all comment ratings)

// for a comment

Read More: http://scottctaylor.wordpress.com/2010/11/30/new-plugin-rate/


  • The top rating is an average of all of the comment ratings

  • You can add the_rating() anywhere that has comments attached to it using the Theme editor

  • You can add ratings to comments in the Twenty Ten or any other Theme by adding the_comment_rating() to the custom comment callback located in functions.php using the Theme Editor

  • You can edit the CSS for Rate right in the Plugin Editor. Choose «Rate» from the dropdown, then select rate/css/rate.css to edit the styles right in the Editor


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«Rate» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


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Журнал изменений


  • Added jQuery as a required script — Whoops!

  • Whoops, adds second argument to rate_calculate($id = 0, $is_comment = false) for internal purposes


  • the_rating() now excludes ratings from comments that are awaiting moderation. the_rating($id = 0) will not take an argument of ID. Use it to show a rating anywhere.


  • User can leave a rating while commenting now, can still edit rating inline after comment is posted


  • I broke the rate.css path, oops!


  • Got rid of Divide by Zero warning that PHP was throwing
  • Does not count ratings of Zero or non-ratings in the Average Rating displayed by the_rating()
  • Added screenshots to the Plugin page at WordPress.org


  • Initial release