Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Simple PayU LATAM


Simple PayU LATAM features:

  • Fixed or Custom payment amount options. You can have a product with a fixed price or can allow users to enter the amount, in example they pay for an invoice.
  • Invoice field. Allow your customer to specify the invoice number they are paying for, the invoice number appearing in your payment gateway transaction.
  • Product description. Add product description before the payment button and on the pop-up form.
  • Customize button texts. Easily change the text shown on the buttons, in example «Click here to pay», «Buy for only 19.99» etc.
  • Transaction details get saved for later use.
  • Template function ready
  • Shortcode ready


  • Creating a payment form part 1
  • Creating a payment form part 2
  • Creating a payment form part 3
  • Payment Forms list
  • Transaction records
  • Transaction details
  • Simple PayU LATAM settings
  • Simple PayU LATAM front-end payment form button
  • Simple PayU LATAM front-end payment form pop-up


Installing Simple PayU LATAM plugin

  1. Install the plugin as any other WordPress plugin
  2. Create Simple PayU LATAM forms per your needs
  3. Place shortcodes of buttons in your posts etc


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Журнал изменений


  • Simple PayU LATAM Released