Этот плагин был закрыт с 03.11.2023, он более не доступен для загрузки. Причина: Проблема безопасности.
Great plugin. Very simple to use
Very Nice Job
Une petite extention superbe.
En version gratuite elle rend de très bon services.
Interface sans «chichi», simple et efficace
J’aime egalement leurs politique de vente.
La version gratuite est largement suffisante pour un
site d’amateur. Pas de limitations sur les traitements de photos.
La version pro de base n’est vraiment pas chere du tout: 19 euros
ce qui doit inciter les pros a l’acheter sans aucunes hésitations!
Bref bravo !
I like your plugin very much. Continue like this.
I’m looking forward to more updates and a further development of the plugin 🙂
Great plugin, very easy to use
1 ответ
great plugin but the developers need to do this simple update to stop this problem
The issue is in wp-content/plugins/wassup/js/thickbox/thickbox.css
Line 12: display is set to none.
Changing this fixes the TB_overlayBG issue but there are still formatting issues introduced by the css file on the overlays.
The issue appears to be in /wp-content/plugins/wassup/lib/wassup.class.php line 2537 where the variable $menuarg is force set. This is forcing the wassup plugin to load the ‘custom thickbox’ styles regardless of which admin page is loaded.
I commented out line 2537
And the problem was resolved.
Of course, this will be overwritten if the plugin is reinstalled or updated and the problem not resolved.
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