С WP Basic Elements вы можете отключить ненужные возможности и ускорить ваш сайт. Сделайте вашу панель управления простой и чистой.
You can change admin footers in backend, activate shortcodes in widgets, remove admin toolbar options and you can clean the code markup from unnecessary code snippets like WordPress generator meta tag and a bunch of other non important code snippets in the code.
Cleaning the code markup will speed up your sites loadtime and increase the overall performance.
Подпишитесь на меня в Twitter, чтобы быть в курсе последних изменений Damir Calusic
WP Basic Elements может быть переведен на любой язык. Список доступных переводов приведен ниже.
- English
- Swedish
- Norwegian
- Сербский — Ognjend Djuraskovic
Note: Some translations are not entirely up to date with the latest release, so parts of the interface may appear untranslated.
- Загрузите папку
в папку/wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin through the
menu in WordPress - Go to
menu and click on theSettings
link - Now click on the
WPB Elements
link - Click through the alternatives and enjoy!
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Use the support
link in the menu above of this plugins homepage on wordpress.org if you have any qustions.
Участники и разработчики
«WP Basic Elements» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
УчастникиПеревести «WP Basic Elements» на ваш язык.
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Журнал изменений
- Tested with WordPress 6.7.0
- Tested with WordPress 6.4.0
- Small fix of comments in code
- Added GZIP compression option in Core section
- Fixed variable bug on wpbe_disable_wp_file_mods option
- Fixed a whitelist check for wpbe_disable_wp_rest_api namespaces
- Small design fixes for input fields
- Update of language files
- Fixed some styling of the settings in admin
- Major redesign and refactoring of code
- Improvements of Code documentation
- Added the ability to disable updates of Core, Plugins and Themes in the WordPress Admin via DISALLOW_FILE_MODS
- Added the ability to disable Gutenberg Top toolbar mode
- Added the ability to disable Gutenberg Distraction free mode
- Added the ability to disable Gutenberg Spotlight mode
- Removed option to add a menu sidemenu option of the plugin
- Removed option for disabling WP notifications in Admin
- Modified and improved the Gutenberg JS to be non-dependent on jQuery
- Modified and improved the Profile JS to be non-dependent on jQuery
- Update of language files
- Tested with WordPress 6.2.0
- Tested with WordPress 6.1.1
- Fixed CSRF injection vulnerability
- Update of language files
- Added more options to remove from the user profile in admin
- Fixed bug with website url not removing from user profile
- Modified the functionality for removing elements from admin profile page
- Update of language files
- Fixed better check of WP Rest API namespaces that needs to be whitelisted when disabling Rest API for non-leogged in users
- Fixed bug with JS and CSS files
- Comp check with WordPress 5.7.2
- Added possibility to whitelist WP Rest API namespaces for specific reasons
- Update of language files
- Made sure that the unserialize function gets data to prevent Warnings
- Small redesign and better user experience
- Added possibility to disable auto updates of plugins and themes
- Fixed code comments to macth functions what they really do
- Made sure that comments stylesheet properly gets disabled
- Added Gutenberg options
- Added removal of generator tag for Product Filters plugins
- Fixed better translations
- Comp check with WP 5.5
- Added donation link for patreon
- Modified readme.txt
- Fixed translations
- Tested with WordPress 5.4.0
- Fixed so xmlrpc_rsd_apis is disabled in with other Rest API links
- Fixed so WP Rest API is disabled for non loggedin users due to security
- Fixed better translations of some settings
- Changed minimum required WP version to 4.7 due to Rest API filter function
- Bug: Fixed a bug where wp_mail() would break if the plugin was active and no email was set in the options
- Added option to the Core section to disable WP Cron
- Added option to the Core section to disable automatic updating of WordPress and plugins
- Added option to the Core section to enable removal of image edits to save space on the server
- Fixed so Disable pings also inlcudes disabling of self pinging
- Updated translations
- Fixed Bug with WP languages not beeing removed on backend on profile page
- Fixed simple WP Editor’s to the admin footer section
- Bumped a quote sign that may have caused some issues on some installs
- Redesigned the interface
- Fixed Emoji filter callback
- Fixed javascript improvements
- Fixed styling improvements
- Fixed better html in admin
- Cleaned the html output
- Improved naming and translations
- Fixed language bug where languages would not load correctly
- Made index file silenced
- Created a new main index file
- Major redesign of the code and improvements programatically
- Created new section Gutenberg (will be supported in the near future)
- Created new section Plugins (will list options for major plugins only)
- Removed ability for shortcode support in text widgets due to new WP HTML Widget support by default
- Removed WP Editor for textareas shortly (will be back in the near future)
- Improved shortcode support to excerpts
- Improved disabling of Emoji’s
- Added more WordPress options
- Updated Swedish translation
- Added Norwegian translation
- Simplified the code and reduced calls against WordPress functions
- Added more options to WP Users section
- Fixed a styling bug with tables
- Wrapped within due to unexpected behavior in some cases
- Removed unnecessary code
- Removed GZIP compression (it would break sites on some servers and it should not be neccessary if the server is configured properly)
- Removed plugin checkups, want to keep it simple to WordPress deafult and to major plugins only
- Removed Jabber, AIM checks from WP Users section (Non deafult wordpress)
- Added disabling of website url on users profile
- Improved registering of settings
- Major redesign of the layout
- Moved disabling of Emojis to WP Head section
- Updated text domain for langauges
- Updated Swedish, English language
- Tested on latest WordPress 5.1
- Enqueue of style
- Tested on latest WordPress 4.9.1
- Added option in WP Core to remove REST API links in header
- Added option in WP Core to remove WP Oembed discovery links in header
- Added option in WP Users section to disable Facebook url
- Added option in WP Users section to disable Twitter username
- Added ABSPATH to check if the files are called directly or not
- Small bug fixes
- Fixed a bug with translation files
- Fixed some misspelling in the code
- Fixed a properly preparation for localization of languages
- Added Swedish translation
- Added WP Editors for changing admin footer texts
- Restyled the interface
- Better optimisation of plugin code
- Refactored the uninstall process so all the options are deleted in the DB on uninstall
- Merged some options into one for better optimisation
- Added option in WP Users section to disable WordPress language chooser
- Improvement of Emoji disabling
- Bug fix of WP-Zoom dashboard removal
- Added option in WP Dashboard to remove WP-Zoom dasbhoard latest reviews
- Major refactoring of the code for better optimisation
- Added option in WP Dashboard to remove WooCommerce latest reviews
- Протестирован на последнем WordPress 4.4
- Удалены ненужные сниппеты кода.
- Added option in WP Core to remove q-Translate-X generator meta tag
- Небольшие текстовые правки
- Added option in WP Admin Toolbar section to remove WP Customize
- Added option in WP Admin Toolbar section to remove WP Edit
- Font color change
- Added option in WP Core to disable Emoji icons if not in use
- Added option in WP Dashboard to remove Yoast SEO Posts overview
- Small renaming of labels
- Added option in WP Core section to add shortcode capability for manual excerpts
- Added option in WP Core section remove Plugin, WordPress and Themes update notifications for non-admins
- Added option in WP Admin Toolbar section to remove WP Sitename
- Added option in WP Admin Toolbar section to remove WP New Content
- Added option in WP Dasboard section do remove BuddyPress Right Now meta-box
- Removed plugin image at plugins section
- Added new section WP Dashboard
- Update of POT file for translations
- Правки совместимости
- Крупный редизайн интерфейса
- Corrections of the comments in the code
- Corrections of the english language in interface
- Added the possibility to remove NextGen Gallery link in the admin toolbar
- Added serbian translation thanks to Ognjend Djuraskovic
- Added icon on plugins section
- Update to Readme.txt
- Added new section WP Mail
- Added new tool in WP Admin Toolbar / Plugins section
- Removed unused code snippet
- Update on Readme.txt file
- Removed WPB Elements from admin sidebar and put it in the Settings region
- Added an option to display the WPB Elements in the main admin menu instead
- Update on Installation text
- Small optimisation of code
FIX: Plugin URI was wrong
- Added new section WP Users with new cool tools
- Added ability to remove Yoast SEO from admin toolbar
- New WP Optimisation tools added
- New WP Toolbar tools added
- Added Plugins sub category for WP Toolbar tools
- Readme.txt updated
- Updated tags
- Updated information
- FAQ section updated
- New WP Optimisation tools added
- Information button added
- Better version control in code
- Удалены ненужные сниппеты кода.
- Interface improvement
- .POT file added to language folder
- Changelog improvement
- License URI added
- Version number incremented
- Small update to interface
- Новый интерфейс
- Uninstall file added
- Description update
- Tags update
- Добавлена ссылка пожертвования
- Первый релиз