
Plugin Directory

Снижение HTTP-запросов, отключение смайликов и встраиваний и удаление строк запросов, ускорение WooCommerce.

Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

Снижение HTTP-запросов, отключение смайликов и встраиваний и удаление строк запросов, ускорение WooCommerce.


Уменьшите HTTP-запросы — отключение смайлов, Gravatar, встраиваний и удаление строк запросов. Ускорение WooCommerce, ​​поддержка отключения пингбэкови трекбеков, закрытия комментариев через 28 дней, возможность принудительного разбиения на страницы после 20 записей, отключение скриптов WooCommerce и CSS на страницах, отличных от WooCommerce, отключение RSS, XML-RPC и автосохранение, удаление тега Windows Live Writer, Shortlink и WP API из заголовка и многих других функций, что способствует ускорению работы и улучшению SEO. Теперь включает отключение комментариев, контроль здоровья сайта и выборочное отключение.

NEW Features:
Better Stats on Dashboard
Disable loading dashicons on front end if admin bar disabled
Disable Author Pages

Disabling Emojis does not disable emoticons, it disables the support for Emojis added since WP 4.2 and removes 1 HTTP request.

Disabling Embeds — script that auto formats pasted content in the visual editor, eg videos, etc. Big issue with this script is it loads on every
single page. You can still use the default embed code from YouTube, Twitter etc to included content.

Remove Query Strings: If you look at the waterfall view of your page load, you will see your query strings end in something like ver=1.12.4.
These are called query strings and help determine the version of the script. The problem with query strings like these is that it isn’t very efficient for caching purposes and sometimes prevents caching those assets altogether. If you are using a CDN already, you can ignore this.

Disabling Gravatars is completely optional, advise, if you don’t use them, disable as it gets rid of one more useless HTTP request.

General Performance improvements: Added support for : disable ping/trackbacks, close comments after 28 days, force pagingation after 20 posts, Disable WooCommerce scripts and CSS on non WooCommerce Pages.

Have an idea ?
Public repo on GitHub if you would like to contribute or have any ideas to add.

Docs & Support
The documentation is an on-going project, so please bare with us as we update. If you would like to help with the documentation, please get in touch.


  • Plugin Interface
  • Fast Hosting Servers make a difference to overall performance
  • Because Speed Matters ™


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->WP Disable screen to configure the plugin

Часто задаваемые вопросы

I would like to contribute/I have an idea

Public repo on GitHub if you would like to contribute or have any ideas to add.

Do I still need caching ?

Да, мы недавно выпустили плагин кэширования WordPress, который очень прост в настройке и включает встроенную систему правил перезаписи на диск.

Теперь комплектуется бесплатным CDN!

What about Minification, do I still need it?

Yes, you absolutely do, and none come close to the awesome Autoptimize by Frank Goossens.

Do I still need a CDN ?

Yes, Our Cache plugin now comes with a free CDN.

Как насчёт сжатия изображений?

Вы можете попробовать наш бесплатный плагин сжатия изображений, который имеет действительно хорошие коэффициенты сжатия практически без потери качества картинки.


I use this plugin on all the sites I work on and it reduces speeds. I only wish author would update it more, because it would be a shame that such a great plugin would go to waste.
This did a great job reducing useless requests and code for emojis, loading dashicons for non-admin users and things like that. It’s a simple install and, as mentioned, it is a free and open source plugin that competes nicely with some paid plugins. If you just want to get rid of emojis, try Autoptimize (the Extra settings) or Ryan Hellyer’s Disable Emojis plugin, but you’re still going to have all the other stuff this gets rid of. If you want to pay money, you can match this and maybe get rid of a bit more cruft with the perfmatters Premium plugin ($25/yr). In my experience, it’s pretty common for an optimization plugin to cause a 500 error. There are a lot of little things that can go wrong and if you are trying to push performance by doing things the platform (Wordpress) is not designed to do (in fact is designed NOT to do), you have to be ready for some collateral damage. In my case, this plugin worked flawlessly, but I would recommend that any plugin like this be tested on a staging platform first and then deployed to a live site.
Hello, This is my first review, and i am doing it, because the atual ranking is unfair. The plugin should have more positive reviews and more downloads. It’s a free plugin, with no adverstising. But have the same and more feature then premium or freemium plugins. Just compare it with perfmatters or clearfy (these last, don’t have Woocommerce configurations, for example). Lets be fair, install and compare all.
I usually do not post reviews unless something is extremely good or extremely bad. This one falls into the EXTREMELY BAD category. It literally took my site down with a 500 error. I had to manually go into WP, delete the plugin folder, go into my DB and deactivate all the plugins there to finally be able to get into my admin menu and start reactivating those plugins that work. If you try to do a CLI uninstall through the php script, it returns an error. STAY AWAY.
⚡ So great! Took <15m to get 2 sites to load in under 3s! It took me about 15 minutes to do for both my WP sites just now, and it works by allowing people to simply toggle on/off WordPress features they don’t need. Granted, I am able to disable almost everything because I don’t need many of WordPress’ built-in features, but that’s the point. Excellent job on this plugin folks. 🙏 Thank you and keep up the good work!
I used this plugin to optimize the speed of my website and I had an Internal Server Error and the website went down.
Посмотреть все 45 отзывов

Участники и разработчики

«Снижение HTTP-запросов, отключение смайликов и встраиваний и удаление строк запросов, ускорение WooCommerce.» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


«Снижение HTTP-запросов, отключение смайликов и встраиваний и удаление строк запросов, ускорение WooCommerce.» переведён на 3 языка. Благодарим переводчиков за их работу.

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Журнал изменений


  • fix bug with paths to spam referrer
  • tested to WP 5.5


  • tested upto php 7.4
  • tested with WP 5.3
  • Back in development now, with a few new ideas planned over the coming weeks/months


  • WP Version 5 compatible


  • New setting to delete all comments completely, great for existing sites that have a lot of old spam comments, but want to turn them off and clean up the database at the same time.
  • Can be found under Admin in Remove Excess Bloat area


  • Added a note on dashboard about what to look for to disable our plugins. People have started leaving negative feedback cause can’t remember what they installed. Hopefully, this clears it up
  • Removed donation Requests
  • Few other small bugs fixed


  • IMPORTANT — please disable and then update the plugin to enable the auto update to work. Something went wrong with the last update and it seems to be fo
  • Freemius Removed


  • Fix Auto Update — IMPORTANT — please disable and re-enable the plugin to enable the auto update to work.


  • Removed Freemius
  • Added better update notifications


  • General bug fixes and prep for CDN functionality (Premium addon) coming soon


  • Minor CSS _updates
  • Bug fix with DNS-prefetch
  • Fixed conflicts with other optimisation.io Plugins
  • New feature — Disable Gravatars only in Comments


  • Started on Documentation (can be found here https://optimisation.io/faq/)
  • Added donation button — help us make this the best optimisation suite available on the repo. Every $ donated helps.
  • Added SEO Tab
  • Added ability to remove Duplicate names in breadcrumbs
  • Added Remove Yoast SEO comments
  • Tested on Gutenberg
  • Tested on WP 4.9
  • Remove Dequeue from some functions
  • Disabled Dashicons in Customizer
  • Minor bug fixes as per support forum


  • Added Settings link on main Installed Plugin view
  • General code tidy up
  • PHP 7.1 compatible
  • WP 4.8.2 tested


  • WooCommerce bugs fixed
  • Syntax error fixed
  • General improvements to GA Offload (Some cases GA code may still not work, does not appear to be a fix for this, if this happens on yours, please ignore the feature)


  • WooCommerce tab not displaying fixed


  • More visual clean-ups
  • Removed all web fonts
  • Minor bug fix on reporting on dashboard
  • Plugin is now under 240kb


  • Finished redesign of plugin
  • All stats now in one central dashboard
  • Removed sidebar navigation completely
  • Removed Freemius
  • Added check for WooCommerce, so Woo related stuff only shows if Woo is installed
  • Much tighter integration between the 3 optimisation plugins
  • Removed old/excess files


  • More visual fixes/general tidy up
  • Added exception to Google Maps so can be enabled per page
  • Minor code fixes
  • Moved Google Analytics to sidebar/addons


  • Added ability to stop (disable) admin notices from showing
  • removed the stats sub menu item, so everything is now at the top level
  • «local-ga.js» file was created on activation, changed the way this works so it will work now independent of when adding the GA code


More dashboard visual tweaks.
No new features, but this is a stepping stone.


  • General tidy up on dashboard


  • removed third party errors out of our dashboard to the top of the page where they belong
  • cleaned out redundant data in GA cache file


  • New Dashboard Design (Work in progress)
  • Added Average load time of pages to stats
  • Remove Comments navigation when comments disabled
  • Added the ability to block referrer spam (using Piwik Database)
  • Updated Import/Export settings to now include settings for Image Compression and Cache plugins (if active)
  • General code improvements