Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.

WP Filter Posts — List Posts by Categories, Tags, Authors and dates


A quicklook into WP Filter Posts — List Posts by Ids, Categories, Tags, Authors and dates

★ Create multiple post filters
★ Shortcodes for rendering filtered posts
★ Filter posts based on ids
★ Filter posts based on categories
★ Filter posts based on tags
★ Filter posts based on authors
★ Sort posts based on published date
★ Sort posts based on updated date
★ Configure display format of filtered/sorted posts
★ Pagination for filtered/sorted posts

This plugin allows you to create different post filters based on ids, categories, tags or authors. These filters can be listed in wordpress pages or widgets using shortcodes. The plugin provides a user-friendly interface to generate the shortcodes. In addition to filtering posts based on categories, tags and authors, it also provides option to sort the posts based on published date or updated date. It also provides options to specify the display format of the posts which match the filter conditions. There is also support for pagination of filtered/sorted posts.


WP Filter Posts is developed and maintained by XYZScripts. For any support, you may contact us.

More Information

WP Filter Posts User Guide
WP Filter Posts FAQ


Please read the FAQ first if you are having problems.


WordPress 3.0+
PHP 5+ (Recommended)


We would like to receive your feedback and suggestions for the betterment of this plugin. You may submit them at our support desk.


  1. Extract wp-filter-posts.zip to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. In the admin panel under plugins activate WP Filter Posts.
  3. You can configure the settings from WP Filter Posts menu.
  4. It should now be completely set up and functional.

If you need any further help, you may contact our support desk.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

WP Filter Posts User Guide
WP Filter Posts FAQ

What is «WP Filter Posts — List Posts by Ids, Categories, Tags, Authors and dates» ?

«WP Filter Posts — List Posts by Ids, Categories, Tags, Authors and dates» is a plugin designed to make custom display of posts based on different ids, categories, tags or authors.

What all posts attributes can be used for displaying filtered results from «WP Filter Posts» ?

«WP Filter Posts» allows you to use the following post attributes

What all filtering methods are used in «WP Filter Posts» ?

«WP Filter Posts» allows you to list posts filtered by ids, categories, tags and authors.

What are the sorting methods used in «WP Filter Posts» ?

«WP Filter Posts» allows you to sort posts based on their published date or updated date in either ascending or descending order.


after installing and using the shortcode it gives 500 internal error to page
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Участники и разработчики

«WP Filter Posts — List Posts by Categories, Tags, Authors and dates» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


Журнал изменений


  • Added filter by post ids.
  • Disable/enable filter by categories,tags and author.
  • Exclude posts by id.
  • Added option to specify image size in filter.


  • First official launch.