Этот плагин был закрыт с 14.02.2022, он более не доступен для загрузки. Плагин был закрыт навсегда. Причина: Запрос автора.
1 ответ
I am using a child of the Twenty Seventeen default theme. There are no other themes installed on the website. I installed and activated the Piklist and WP Helpers plugins. I assumed that if it says it works on WP 4.8 that it will work with the Twenty Seventeen theme. Apparently, I have one or more plugins that conflict with this. Nothing saves. I get a message that a setting was saved but then the page returns to nothing being checked or filled in (such as replacing Howdy).
Unfortunate because I was hoping this would work. I will delete both plugins and look for something else now.
1 ответ
Not only does this plugin provide lots of small but very useful tweaks, the response time if you do manage to find a bug is very, very rapid!
As the video points out, if you use Wordpress, then this plugin is for you!
1 ответ
Installed and runs great. I was looking for some settings found in here and was happy to find them working.
2 ответа
A nice and handy plugin that gives useful options to finetune your WP installation. Why not 5 stars? Because there is a MUCH bigger potential for this plugin. I have used a competative commercial plugin for years, that had 10x more options. But that one has not been updated for over a year and is not compatible anymore with recent WP versions.
So: I’m glad this free plugin exists, thank you! And I hope it will be extended with many more settings in future versions. I won’t mind paying for it either.
1 ответ
This plugin is a compilation of what potentially would be dozens of plugins and pieces of code. All organized and logically presented under the Tools admin menu. Great UI (tabs) for presentation of this many items.
Can’t say enough about it — well done — excellent.
Thanks to the developers for this fine piece of work!
1 ответ
Using WP Helpers has allowed me to eliminate a bunch of little filters and utility functions that I used all the time, e.g., to turn off comments on pages or hide dashboard widgets. In addition they’ve leveraged Piklist features to allow me to easily enable WYSIWYG excerpts, remove unused fields and options, and lots more. The feature list just keeps growing, and their support team is great.
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