Метка плагина: protection
Email Address Encoder
(159 общий рейтинг)Простой плагин, который защищает адреса электронной почты от роботов, собирающих письма, путем кодирования их в десятичные и шестнадцатеричные сущности.
NinjaFirewall (WP Edition) — Advanced Security Plugin and Firewall
(210 общий рейтинг)A true Web Application Firewall to protect and secure WordPress.
NinjaScanner — Virus & Malware scan
(27 общий рейтинг)A lightweight, fast and powerful virus scanner for WordPress.
Protect uploads
(32 общий рейтинг)Protect your uploads directory from people who want to browse it. Avoid browsing of your uploads directory by adding a htaccess or index.php file.
Zero Spam for WordPress
(136 общий рейтинг)No spam, no scams, just seamless experiences with Zero Spam for WordPress — the shield your site deserves.
Protect WP Admin
(50 общий рейтинг)WP Protect Admin Plugin has Provide Extra Secutiry Layer to Protect Your WordPress Admin Area. Using this plugin you can safe your site using necessar …
WP Content Copy Protection
(163 общий рейтинг)WP Content Copy Protection uses aggressive techniques in protecting your online content (text/source/images/video/audio) from being stolen.
Prevent Direct Access — Protect WordPress Files
(285 общий рейтинг)A simple way to prevent search engines and the public from indexing and accessing your files without complex user authentication.
WP Bouncer — Limit Simultaneous Logins
(10 общий рейтинг)Deter members from sharing login credentials: restrict simultaneous logins for the same user.
ContentProtector — password protect your page, post or text
(0 общий рейтинг)Protect your content with passwords using easy-to-use shortcodes. Supports both global protection and partial content protection.
Cartpauj Register Captcha
(23 общий рейтинг)Cartpauj Register Captcha does one simple task. It prevents SPAM signups through WordPress' default registration form.
No-Bot Registration
(25 общий рейтинг)Prevent bots from creating accounts by blacklisting domains and usernames and present people with a human friendly security question.
DMCA Protection Badge
(19 общий рейтинг)The DMCA Protection plugin for WordPress lets you install protection badges on your site in order to deter content thieves and protect your content
WebTotem Security
(12 общий рейтинг)WebTotem-это SaaS, который предоставляет мощные инструменты для защиты и мониторинга вашего сайта в одном месте простым и гибким способом.
Photection — Easy image protection for WordPress
(3 общий рейтинг)With this plugin you can disable right click on your images with a custom message!
htaccess protect
(6 общий рейтинг)htaccess protect — Protect your wordpress login or admin pages with password.
Media Vault
(27 общий рейтинг)Protect attachment files from direct access using powerful and flexible restrictions. Offer safe download links for any file in your uploads folder.
(7 общий рейтинг)Powerful sessions manager for WordPress with sessions limiter and full analytics reporting capabilities.